Sunday, September 27, 2015

Our Sexy Date ~ @MySexySaturday #MySexySaturday #Saturday7 #MySexyAuthors

Welcome to the 112th week of My Sexy Saturday.

This week’s theme: Our Sexy Date

A sexy date could be anything: the day they first went out, the day they first kissed, the day they got married. It could be a couple’s sexy anniversary date or maybe a date to met for the very first time. It could be a date in space, a foreign country or just around the corner. Now matter the particulars, just make it sexy, sexy and sexy. We did mention sexy…right?

Readers, please visit us at our new Author Central where we’ll be sharing even more from our authors besides Saturday’s snippets. We’d love to have each and everyone of you there.

If your story has one or more of these fabulous moments with some very sexy, hot characters in a love that’s destined to last forever, please share them with us…share all those sexy moments that you have between your characters even if your story doesn’t exactly fit the theme this weekremember every relationship is important!

Sexy can be anything, such as romantic moments like walks on the beach, a home cooked meal or even in another galaxy. It could be two lovers here on Earth dreaming about the day where they go on a magical vacation to another planet. Or staying right here at one of those wonderful places we can find in our own world.

Readers want to see those characters, the ones who can’t get enough of each other as well as ones who are fighting their way back to being part of the world once again. These are the types of characters they can’t forget, the one they want to take home and keep forever. Readers love the kisses, the looks or touch of each and every one of our characters. 

Sexy has nothing to do with looks or status or even wealth. It doesn’t demand perfection and it isn’t pretentious but it does make us want to read those books.

We know that everyone has their own idea of sexy and we all love sexy!

Week 112 ~ My Sexy Saturday ~ The rules are simple.

1 ~ Sign up on the Linky list below for Saturday, October 3, 2015. The signup begins Sunday, September 27 at 12:01 am and ends Friday, October 2 at 11:59 pm.

2 ~ Post 7 paragraphs or 7 sentences or 7 words ONLY. The choice is yours. It can be from a WIP or something you already have published. Your post should be live by 9 am US Pacific Time on Saturday. Put those lucky 7s to work for you! NOTE: This is a blog hop and you need a blog to participate. If you are unsure of how your post should look, look back on past weeks to see what others have done. Minions comment and read your post. Trust us, they let us know if it doesn’t conform. This includes when your post is too long or two short or if you recycle an old post. Please stay within the guidelines as described.

3 ~ We’ve included the link where you can get the Linky code or just link back to My Sexy Saturday at Remember you must link back to us for participation if you do not show the Linky list. There are minions who check for this weekly. Authors ~ an email will be required to sign up for the blog hop.

4 ~ We are open to both published and unpublished authors. We also welcome your works-in-progress.

5 ~ Promote as much as you can. Our Twitter handle is @MySexySaturday. You can join our Facebook group at and it is open to both readers and writers. Use #MySexySaturday, #Saturday7 or #MSS112 for this week’s #hashtags on both Twitter and Facebook so we can track our progress and readers can find us on both venues. We try to promote each and every author in the hop with a minimum of a tweet or two during the week as well as on other social media. We are run by volunteers and do our best to promote all authors who sign up. Use #MySexyAuthors to get even more traction during the week as we watch for our authors and share or retweet their information.

Thanks and most of all, have lots of fun!

My Sexy Saturday

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sexy Today ~ @MySexySaturday #MySexySaturday #Saturday7 #MSSAuthors #MSS111

Welcome to the 111th week of My Sexy Saturday.

This week’s theme: Sexy Today

A little over two years ago, we had an idea…an idea that sexy meant different things to different people…we knew this was true because of the books we read and wrote. We wanted to share sexy with everyone. We wanted authors from sweet to sensual to smoking hot to share with us their idea of sexy.

And come they did. In droves, some weeks better than others but everyone sharing their dream of what sexy meant. Last week it was a sexy boy, the week before that the sexy girlfriend. Each week we’ve had a different theme and have had authors post using that theme as a base board to start with. We even encourage them to post when their story doesn’t fit that theme because sharing is sexy and we all want to read just the good stuff every once in a while.

So today, there really is no theme except sexy today. Authors are free to post whatever they want within the normal rules. Just make it sexy, sexy and more sexy.

For the readers, please visit us at our new Author Central where we’ll be sharing even more from our authors. It’s also the place to hear all about our 100th week Anniversary Bash next Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Get all the details for all the prizes we’ll be giving away. We’d love to have each and everyone of you there.

Remember that the sexy boy will turn the man of our dreams. That our high school crush is really the one we want. That the captain of the spaceship is the hottest thing we’ve ever seen. And the everyday joe is the one we want to take home to mom and dad.

If your story has one or more of these fabulous moments with some very sexy, hot characters in a love that’s destined to last forever, please share them with us…share all those sexy moments that you have between your characters even if your story doesn’t exactly fit the theme this weekremember every relationship is important!

Sexy can be anything, such as romantic moments like walks on the beach, a home cooked meal or even in another galaxy. It could be two lovers here on Earth dreaming about the day where they go on a magical vacation to another planet. Or staying right here at one of those wonderful places we can find in our own world.

Readers want to see those characters, the ones who can’t get enough of each other as well as ones who are fighting their way back to being part of the world once again. These are the types of characters they can’t forget, the one they want to take home and keep forever. Readers love the kisses, the looks or touch of each and every one of our characters. 

Sexy has nothing to do with looks or status or even wealth. It doesn’t demand perfection and it isn’t pretentious but it does make us want to read those books.

We know that everyone has their own idea of sexy and we all love sexy!

Week 109 ~ My Sexy Saturday ~ The rules are simple.

1 ~ Sign up on the Linky list below for Saturday, September 26, 2015. The signup begins Sunday, September 20 at 12:01 am and ends Friday, September 25 at 11:59 pm.

2 ~ Post 7 paragraphs or 7 sentences or 7 words ONLY. The choice is yours. It can be from a WIP or something you already have published. Your post should be live by 9 am US Pacific Time on Saturday. Put those lucky 7s to work for you! NOTE: This is a blog hop and you need a blog to participate. If you are unsure of how your post should look, look back on past weeks to see what others have done. Minions comment and read your post. Trust us, they let us know if it doesn’t conform. This includes when your post is too long or two short or if you recycle an old post. Please stay within the guidelines as described.

3 ~ We’ve included the link where you can get the Linky code or just link back to My Sexy Saturday at Remember you must link back to us for participation if you do not show the Linky list. There are minions who check for this weekly. Authors ~ an email will be required to sign up for the blog hop.

4 ~ We are open to both published and unpublished authors. We also welcome your works-in-progress.

5 ~ Promote as much as you can. Our Twitter handle is @MySexySaturday. You can join our Facebook group at and it is open to both readers and writers. Use #MySexySaturday, #Saturday7 or #MSS111 for this week’s #hashtags on both Twitter and Facebook so we can track our progress and readers can find us on both venues. We try to promote each and every author in the hop with a minimum of a tweet or two during the week as well as on other social media. We are run by volunteers and do our best to promote all authors who sign up. Use #MSSAuthors to get even more traction during the week as we watch for our authors and share or retweet their information.

Thanks and most of all, have lots of fun!

My Sexy Saturday

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

One Sexy Boy ~ @MySexySaturday #MySexySaturday #Saturday7 #MSSAuthors #MSS110

Welcome to the 110th week of My Sexy Saturday.

This week’s theme: One Sexy Boy

We all know it just takes one sexy boy to get us going. That boy will turn into the man of our dreams. They can start out on the wrong side of the tracks, the right side of the tracks, the rich side or even the poor side. They can be good or they can be bad, we will love them all the same. They can space ship captains or one who is hired to protect us with their lives. They can be farmers and casino owners and the list goes on and on. But all of them started out as one sexy boy. They give us hidden looks, a longing gaze, with love’s promise shining in their eyes and all the things that come with love.  We love sexy and it’s always so fun to share.

If your story has one or more of these fabulous moments with some very sexy, hot characters in a love that’s destined to last forever, please share them with us…share all those sexy moments that you have between your characters even if your story doesn’t exactly fit the theme this weekremember every relationship is important!

Sexy can be anything, such as romantic moments like walks on the beach, a home cooked meal or even in another galaxy. It could be two lovers here on Earth dreaming about the day where they go on a magical vacation to another planet. Or staying right here at one of those wonderful places we can find in our own world.

Readers want to see those characters, the ones who can’t get enough of each other as well as ones who are fighting their way back to being part of the world once again. These are the types of characters they can’t forget, the one they want to take home and keep forever. Readers love the kisses, the looks or touch of each and every one of our characters. 

Sexy has nothing to do with looks or status or even wealth. It doesn’t demand perfection and it isn’t pretentious but it does make us want to read those books.

We know that everyone has their own idea of sexy and we all love sexy!

Week 109 ~ My Sexy Saturday ~ The rules are simple.

1 ~ Sign up on the Linky list below for Saturday, September 19, 2015. The signup begins Sunday, September 13 at 12:01 am and ends Friday, September 18 at 11:59 pm.

2 ~ Post 7 paragraphs or 7 sentences or 7 words ONLY. The choice is yours. It can be from a WIP or something you already have published. Your post should be live by 9 am US Pacific Time on Saturday. Put those lucky 7s to work for you! NOTE: This is a blog hop and you need a blog to participate. If you are unsure of how your post should look, look back on past weeks to see what others have done. Minions comment and read your post. Trust us, they let us know if it doesn’t conform. This includes when your post is too long or two short or if you recycle an old post. Please stay within the guidelines as described.

3 ~ We’ve included the link where you can get the Linky code or just link back to My Sexy Saturday at Remember you must link back to us for participation if you do not show the Linky list. There are minions who check for this weekly. Authors ~ an email will be required to sign up for the blog hop.

4 ~ We are open to both published and unpublished authors. We also welcome your works-in-progress.

5 ~ Promote as much as you can. Our Twitter handle is @MySexySaturday. You can join our Facebook group at and it is open to both readers and writers. Use #MySexySaturday, #Saturday7 or #MSS110 for this week’s #hashtags on both Twitter and Facebook so we can track our progress and readers can find us on both venues. We try to promote each and every author in the hop with a minimum of a tweet or two during the week as well as on other social media. We are run by volunteers and do our best to promote all authors who sign up. Use #MSSAuthors to get even more traction during the week as we watch for our authors and share or retweet their information.

Thanks and most of all, have lots of fun!

My Sexy Saturday

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

My Sexy Girlfriend ~ @MySexySaturday #MySexySaturday #Saturday7 #MSSAuthors #MSS109

Welcome to the 109th week of My Sexy Saturday.

This week’s theme: My Sexy Girlfriend

This is our nod to all the sexy girlfriends out there. We know all about a sexy girlfriend and how their lover feels about them. There are the hidden looks, the longing gaze, the love shining in their eyes and all the things that come with love. The girlfriends can come in all shapes and sizes because sexy has no bounds.  We love sexy and it’s always so fun to share.

If your story has one or more of these fabulous moments with some very sexy, hot characters in a love that’s destined to last forever, please share them with us…share all those sexy moments that you have between your characters even if your story doesn’t exactly fit the theme this weekremember every relationship is important!

Sexy can be anything, such as romantic moments like walks on the beach, a home cooked meal or even in another galaxy. It could be two lovers here on Earth dreaming about the day where they go on a magical vacation to another planet. Or staying right here at one of those wonderful places we can find in our own world.

Readers want to see those characters, the ones who can’t get enough of each other as well as ones who are fighting their way back to being part of the world once again. These are the types of characters they can’t forget, the one they want to take home and keep forever. Readers love the kisses, the looks or touch of each and every one of our characters. 

Sexy has nothing to do with looks or status or even wealth. It doesn’t demand perfection and it isn’t pretentious but it does make us want to read those books.

We know that everyone has their own idea of sexy and we all love sexy!

Week 109 ~ My Sexy Saturday ~ The rules are simple.

1 ~ Sign up on the Linky list below for Saturday, September 12, 2015. The signup begins Sunday, September 6 at 12:01 am and ends Friday, September 11 at 11:59 pm.

2 ~ Post 7 paragraphs or 7 sentences or 7 words ONLY. The choice is yours. It can be from a WIP or something you already have published. Your post should be live by 9 am US Pacific Time on Saturday. Put those lucky 7s to work for you! NOTE: This is a blog hop and you need a blog to participate. If you are unsure of how your post should look, look back on past weeks to see what others have done. Minions comment and read your post. Trust us, they let us know if it doesn’t conform. This includes when your post is too long or two short or if you recycle an old post. Please stay within the guidelines as described.

3 ~ We’ve included the link where you can get the Linky code or just link back to My Sexy Saturday at Remember you must link back to us for participation if you do not show the Linky list. There are minions who check for this weekly. Authors ~ an email will be required to sign up for the blog hop.

4 ~ We are open to both published and unpublished authors. We also welcome your works-in-progress.

5 ~ Promote as much as you can. Our Twitter handle is @MySexySaturday. You can join our Facebook group at and it is open to both readers and writers. Use #MySexySaturday, #Saturday7 or #MSS109 for this week’s #hashtags on both Twitter and Facebook so we can track our progress and readers can find us on both venues. We try to promote each and every author in the hop with a minimum of a tweet or two during the week as well as on other social media. We are run by volunteers and do our best to promote all authors who sign up. Use #MSSAuthors to get even more traction during the week as we watch for our authors and share or retweet their information.

Thanks and most of all, have lots of fun!

My Sexy Saturday

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.