Sunday, January 12, 2014

Underneath Your Sexy ~ @MySexySaturday #MySexySaturday #MSSWeek32 #Saturday7

Welcome to the 32nd week of My Sexy Saturday.

We’ve always loved the song Underneath It All by Gwen Stefani. To us, it has always been about the beauty on the inside of a person. Outsides are important but if the inside is rotten to the core, what does a pretty face matter? Share with the readers just why your unlikeable characters are likeable and redeemable.

You know the ones we’re talking about. The demon who loves a woman. The vampire who will do anything to save the human he loves. Or just the plain Jane next door who becomes the most desirable woman on the planet. Share just what is underneath the surface.

Sexy can be those moments during a moonlit walk on the beach, a romantic dinner, flying a spaceship where your hero has been forced to be with the same tempting person for days. It could be two lovers gazing at those stars and dreaming of space travel…or a backyard pool…each and every moment spent learning what is inside a character is important to the readers.

Readers want to see what makes a character tick and what is inside that makes the character endearing. They love the first kiss in an unlikely match, the first time the characters make love or are just aware of each other. It can be the look shared across the room, the nerd who makes our heart pound, the construction worker who can’t wait to get in our hot tub or the fireman that we bought at the charity auction. Sexy has nothing to do with looks or status or even wealth. It doesn’t demand perfection and it isn’t pretentious but it does make us want to read those books.

We know that everyone has their own idea of sexy and we all love sexy!

Week #32 ~ My Sexy Saturday ~ The rules are simple.

1 ~ Sign up on the Linky list below for Saturday, January 18, 2014. The signup begins Sunday, January 12 at 12:01 am and ends Friday, January 17 at 11:59 pm.

2 ~ Post 7 paragraphs or 7 sentences or 7 words. The choice is yours. It can be from a WIP or something you already have published. Your post should be live by 9 am US Pacific Time on Saturday. Put those lucky 7s to work for you! NOTE: This is a blog hop and you need a blog to participate. If you are unsure of how your post should look, look back on past weeks to see what others have done. Minions comment and read your post. Trust us, they let us know if it doesn’t conform. This includes when your post is too long or two short or if you recycle an old post. Please stay within the guidelines as described.

3 ~ We’ve included the link where you can get the Linky code or just link back to My Sexy Saturday at Remember you must link back to us for participation if you do not have show the Linky list. There are minions who check for this weekly. Authors an email will be required to sign up for the blog hop.

4 ~ We are open to both published and unpublished authors.

5 ~ Promote as much as you can. Our Twitter handle is @MySexySaturday. You can join our Facebook group at and it is open to both readers and writers. Use #MySexySaturday, #Saturday7 or #MSSWeek32 for this week’s #hashtags on both Twitter and Facebook so we can track our progress and readers can find us on both venues. We try to promote each and every author in the hop with a minimum of a tweet or two during the week as well as on other social media. We are run by volunteers and do our best to promote all authors who sign up.

Thanks and most of all, have lots of fun!

My Sexy Saturday